Success Coaching

What Is Coaching?

Coaching provides a personalized forum in which I ask precise questions to create awareness and clients make choices and decisions. I help clients design complete lives that consistently support their growth and development.

The Benefits

In the spirit of “bloom where you grow,” there is a relatively new growth industry―coaching. Coaches and coaching schools abound to assist people of all persuasions to live their lives on purpose. Corporate coaches, executive coaches, life coaches, and individual coaches join the traditional ranks of sports coaches to simplify the most complex situations and guide people to lead the lives they desire.

The school I belong to is Success Unlimited Network®, SUN®. We are a community of coaches who use a triad of “games” among other tools to help people create the results they want with a sense of well-being consistently. A tall order?

Not as much as  going it alone. In eight two-hour meetings, in person or on the telephone, my clients and I get together every three weeks for six to eight months.

The SUN® Productivity Program offers a system by which clients can make decisions and accomplish their goals for a lifetime of ease and grace.